Our goal at Southgate family dental is to provide you with advanced dental, carefree of discomfort, at an affordable price. We satisfy all your dental health needs from our small services like typical checkups, to our more complex services like veneers and dentures. This will give you the million dollar smile you always wanted.
In our dental office, we make your oral health a top priority. That is why we offer such exceptional deals. For a limited time, adults can come in for a complete checkup consisting of exams, cleaning, as well as x-rays.
For children under 14 we offer complete checkups including exams, cleaning, fluoride application, and x-rays.
We also offer Emergency services which include exams, necessary x-rays, and consultations These services are offered for new patients only for a limited time.
Southgate family dental has a multitude of locations including Southgate, Lincoln, Wyandotte, Riverview, Taylor, and surrounding areas.
According to a study done at American College of prosthodontists, over 170 million Americans are missing one or more teeth, and 40 million are missing all their teeth. Southgate family dental is the solution to this problem. The absence of teeth can create larger health problems such as loss of facial structure as well as unwanted tooth shifts.
We provide two types of denture services including denture stabilization implants and fixed dentures.
Dental stabilization implants are recommended for individuals who have lost teeth in their jaw. Attached by implants normally in the lower jaw for better support, you can snap them on and off with ease.
There are many custom-fit options with dental stabilization implants. Southgate family dental offers ball retained or bar retained dentures. The bar retained dentures have clips fitted either by a bar or clipped into the actual denture.
Ball retained- dentures apply the use of male and female ball shaped attachments that fit perfectly into the ball socket. These dentures ideally should be replaced every eight years.
Fixed dentures are connected to the structure of your gums with the use of dental implants. These can last a lifetime if properly treated. This tends to be the most popular option as it gives you a natural looking smile.
Southgate family dental takes family dentistry to a new level. To increase your dental hygiene, schedule an appointment with our dental clinic online or call us today at 734-441-0200.